Friday, October 28, 2016

Four Month Mya-Anne

Time is flying by and you're just growing so fast. Way too fast.  You can now hold your head up really well, roll over and see much further away.

You're starting to play with toys and laugh at us.

You think your sister is the best thing in the world.  

You still look like your dad's tiny twin.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Three Months

You're three months!!!  Anddddd you got your first cold.  Your sister's start of school brought in a whole bunch of germs and you took the cold like a champ!!!!  Your immune system is growing strong and you didnt let a cold stop you from being adorable.  Sweet, sweet Miss Mya.  

You had your check up and you weighed almost 13lbs!!!  So you're a GREAT eater!!! 

You're still sleeping well in the evening (a couple four hour stretches) but you're awake more during the day.  You love love love when people talk and sing to you. You love communicating!  You make INTENSE eye contact.

You're a gem.  Stay you.

Love you, 

P.S. We affectionately call you Potato Head

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Two Months

Two Months!!

You drink about two ounces of milk every two hours.  You sleep every two hours.  You're wearing 3-6 months clothes due to your long torso.  You make intense eye contact.  Your eyes are still blue.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

One Month

Oh Mya,

What a month it has been.  On your first week of life, you were admitted into the neonatal intensive care unit for dehydration and jaundice.  That moment also marked the most scared I have ever been.

You, however, were a trooper.  You got better really quickly and we only spent one night in the hospital.  

You sleep like an angel.  And often.

You had your first photoshoot this month too

Your first bath

Your first visit to a Lake

Your first bottle

Your firsts of everything!!! You're a joy Miss Mya.  So sweet and loving, so sleepy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Welcome to the World!

Miss Mya-Anne Elikapeka,

Welcome and Happy Birthday!!!  You're a miracle.  You've always been a miracle and you'll always be a blessing.

You came into this world screaming with a bit of fight in you.  We hope you never lose that fight or that voice.  We hope to help you grow your voice and your passion.  We love you so much already.

Here are some characters in your life:

Daddy - The guy who will love you the most (ever)

Sister Maddi - She'll keep you on your toes

Mom - That's me.  You've heard the sound of my heart and my voice for the past 10 months.  Now you get to see me too.